The fastest way to grow your business with the leader in TechnologyCheck out our options and features included.
Website Security
We take website security seriously. We help protect against SQL Injection, HTML Injection, Insecure Direct Object Reference, Lack of CSRF Protections, Leakage of Sensitive Information, Stored Cross-Site Scripting, Insufficient Anti-Automation Mechanisms, Unrestricted File Uploads, Weak Login Credentials, and much more!
Website Performance
We strive to optimize each website template for speed and performance! We understand that your website must be as fast as possible and that you have the need for speed!
Save Time and Money
The process to generate a new template usually takes about 10 minutes of your time. We can save you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of development time. Get started today!
Font Awesome Icons
Our menus can be generated using very nice looking icons from the font awesome library. The icons from this section of the website are font awesome icons. There are thousands to choose from! We use the FREE edition of Font Awesome. However, it is easy to swap this out for the paid edition.
We can generate your website template with very nice looking templates. We strive to keep our templates using the latest technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, and JS.
Inline Data Editing
Within our generated management pages, you can have the ability to edit data inline directly within the data management table.
Social Media Impact
You will be able to share your social media websites so you can have more of an online presence.
W3C Compliance
Our templates follow W3C Compliance so future upgrades to browsers will not impact the website design much.
Search Engine Optimization
We follow standard practices to help you with your internal SEO so you can rank higher on Google and other search engines. Let us help you get more traffic for your website!
Mobile Friendly Templates
The backend websites that we generate are mobile friendly and work on PCs, Tablets, and Cellular Devices. This is because of the bootstrap technology.
User Management
All of our plans have a built-in user management system. You will not have to build your own login system.
Content Management System
Website customization is important for a website frontend. We got you covered with our built in CMS.
Error Handling System
For security, all plans hide application error details from users. However, some plans offer an error reporting system so you can quickly get those errors fixed.
Customer Support
Our customer support team offers 24/7 support. Feel free to contact us at any time for any reason! Our mission is to deliver to you the website of your dreams!